Warm Bodies was translated into 27 languages and published worldwide. It has truly saddened me that almost none of those publishers opted to do the same for the rest of the series, leaving fans around the globe with an unfinished story. I still hold out hope that someday, if a TV series or some other popular media reinvigorates interest, those publishers will come back to finish the job. If that hope ever dies completely, I may take matters into my own hands and commission my own translations to be published digitally. Until then, I can only offer fragments.

This Spanish translation of roughly the first third of The New Hunger was created by Lady Pichilingue and Daniela Provoste as a project for a college class. I find it darkly amusing that these college students approached their translation with more care and attention than any of those international publishers, who never once reached out to me for any clarifications or questions about the text. As a dumb American monoglot, I can only speculate about the quality and accuracy of those translations, made without any input whatsoever from the author. As for Lady and Daniela’s efforts, I can at least be confident that they cared.